Submission ICONE32 Full Paper Template
1. Abstracts must be submitted electronically in PDF format. Abstract should be within 450 words while the full paper should be within 10 pages with name, affiliation, country (nationality) and email information. Both the paper and author information filled on the website must be all in English. Those authors who have already filled in the information in Chinese must make changes when submit full papers,otherwise, the paper will be rejected.
2. The title of your abstract should be in accordance with the full paper, which will be used as the title of your presentation in the preview program.
3. For each Technical Publication and Technical Presentation , a minimum of one author must be registered at the Full Conference Author rate.
4. One author registration fee can cover up to a maximum of two (2) technical papers or presentation only submissions.
5. An author registering at the author rate with more than two (2) technical papers or presentation only submissions to present at the conference, must request a co - author to register .
6. List references numerically at the end of the abstract or full paper, and use numbers in the text, enclosed within brackets.
7.The contents of the abstract must include the objectives of the study/investigation and the methodology used. It should also briefly describe the main findings and their potential applications. Sufficient information should be included for an independent reviewer to determine its suitability for the conference.