The International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE) hosted by the Chinese Nuclear Society, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, is the premier global conference on nuclear reactor technology.
This conference is a "must-attend" for anyone who wants to stay technologically current and on top of industry trends and developments.
It features industry forums, technical presentations, keynote and plenaries, and poster sessions, plus workshops where international subject matter experts and future professionals present their views and expertise on current topics of importance to the world-wide nuclear community.
Contact Ms. Tong LI and Ms. Xueli LIU at to become a sponsor today.
ICONE 32 sponsorship and exhibition Prospectus
Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities
We offer a variety of sponsorship opportunities designed to maximize your company’s visibility. To gain access to professionals and students in the nuclear power fields from academia, industry, R&D and government over three days while showcasing your products and services and building your customer base. Numerous opportunities to network with attendees during the opening reception, banquet, coffee breaks and lunches.