Student Support and Awarding
Only students-presenters from Track 16 “Student Paper Competition” with accepted final papers and submitted posters file, copyright forms are eligible for this support.
The award competition committee includes ASME, JSME, CNS and European Student-Track Leaders. There will be three competition categories:
1) Akiyama Medal. A prestigious Award for one student from China.
2) Best paper. Each region (North America, Japan/Asia, China, and Europe) will receive 5 best paper awards (Total 20 awards).
3) Best poster. Each region (North America, Japan/Asia, China, and Europe) will receive 5 best poster awards (Total 20 awards).
Special note: Qian Sanqiang Award is issued to the best papers and posters when ICONE is in China.
ASME, JSME, CNS and European Student-Track Leaders will select 15 "qualified students" from each of the following geographic regions with support: China, North America, Japan/Asia, and Europe (in total – 60 students).
Each region will select 5 best papers and 5 best posters from the 15 “qualified papers” with supports. Only one paper will be selected for Akiyama Medal. All the “qualified students” should make both an oral presentation and a poster presentation at the conference.
The Selected 60 students each will receive following as Complimentary:
a) Conference Registration
b) Shared Hotel accommodation for the duration of conference, up to 6 nights (June 21-26, 2025)
c) Conference banquet dinner
d) Workshops
e) Technical tour
All students should check in at the reserved hotel- on June 22, 2025. All students should participate in the Workshop, Opening Ceremony, Plenary, Technical Sessions, Poster Session, Panel Sessions and Technical Tour.
• Qualified students from China should be members of CNS; qualified students from North America and Europe should be members of the ASME; qualified students from Japan should be members of JSME. If you are not a member of ASME/JSME/CNS, then should obtain membership before the conference.
• Qualified students must provide proof of a student status.
• In qualified students’ papers, students must be first authors.
• Only one student per paper will be considered for support.
• Usually, number of student co-authors should not be less than the number of professor co-authors.
• The first author of the paper must present the paper orally with support of Power Point slides, which will be presented by them during the poster session.
• Qualified Students must participate in the workshop on June 22, 2025 and student technical tour.
All qualified students must prepare a poster for display and presentation during the student poster session.
Poster Preparation
•Poster Size: Posters should not exceed W0.9m by H1.2m. Please design your own poster and bring it to the designated area of the conference site, and paste it on the poster board by yourself on June 22, 2025.
•Visibility: All lettering and diagrams should be large enough to be read from a minimum of 2 meters away. Authors are urged to use colors, symbols and schemes to improve clarity. Suggested lettering size is 3 cm (1-1/4") for the poster title and 2 cm (3/4") for names and addresses of authors and section headings, such as ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY. Remember, space the typing for easier reading.
•Layout: Posters should be prepared in a manner that can be easily understood. Ideally, the content of each poster should be clearly divided into sections, including abstract, introduction, problem definition (or aims of the work), summary, results and conclusions. In short, posters should contain all the essential information of your paper, but should not be cluttered with unnecessary details. Figures, charts, photographs, etc. should be similar to those in the preprint of your paper for easy recognition by conference attendees. Each figure and table should have a brief title. Overall, your posters should provide an easily remembered "take home message."
Poster Arrangement
It is very important to plan carefully and organize for the optimum use of the poster space. Subdivision into sections may be helpful. There is no obligation to fill the entire space. At the same time, do not mount a complete manuscript that may take 30 minutes to read!
Remember that the impression your posters create will greatly influence the evaluation of your paper by the technical community.
Tip: Do not try to provide too much information on one sheet. An overloaded poster rarely attracts attention. Our suggestion is to display only short sentences or a list of sentences (or phrases) under each heading preceded by bullets or numbers to describe the work. Remember, you will be there to provide further information to delegates.
Attendance at Booths
For papers with multiple authors, only one author needs to be present during the session, but co-authors can be present. If authors are unable to be present at their booth during the time assigned, they should arrange for their booth to be staffed by a person familiar with their work.
Mini Lectures
The poster session is much more than a question-answer session. It should retain all the good points of the oral session as well as provide an opportunity for individuals to ask specific questions. In this regard, we urge you to prepare a short (3-5 minutes) oral summary (mini-lecture) of your paper and give these mini-lectures to the audience at your booth. This will enable them to understand your work, and encourage them to ask specific questions. You should not anticipate the audience knowing your research work and immediately asking questions. Please prepare mini-lectures and deliver when appropriate.
Suggestion to Authors
If you can provide something for the participants to carry away, a one-page outline, bibliography, etc., your presentation will be remembered longer. This is largely a matter of taste, since a published version of your paper will be available at the conference. Whatever you furnish should be supplementary information.
You may provide a sign-up sheet at your booth to collect the names and addresses of participants who wish to obtain more information about your paper.
Concluding Remarks
Well-organized and well-prepared poster sessions offer a better way than paper sessions to develop personal contacts in specialized fields as well as accommodate a large number of papers in one session. It is hoped that the general suggestions presented here will leave enough freedom to the authors for individual and imaginative layout of posters, yet provide the necessary information required for rapid and efficient transfer of information to the audience.